Five “About Us” Page Mistakes And How To Avoid Them!

Your business “About Us” page matters more than it may seem. Studies have proven the whopping 52 percent of users generally need to visit an “About Us” page on the organization website. Really, it’s frequently the first page users see after they find your store.(Desire to easily create one? Look at this tool.)

Clearly, all pages online matter, together with web site design itself. Good site design could be the site site that flops, then one resulting in conversions. (You understand, the great things!) Your “About Us” page is not different. Whether or not this doesn’t blow users away – whether or not this doesn’t give them the information they are trying to find – they’ll leave.

Listed below are five things to ask to determine if your “About Us” page can be a success or else:

1. Do likely to “About Us” page which is it no problem finding?

It’s necessary that your consumers will discover your “About Us” page quickly and just – if you don’t get one, you’re already behind the eight ball.

Many consumers will up by leaving a web site once they can’t find vital company and make contact with information – the products that’s generally incorporated on or near to the “About Us” page. Not only that, but an “About Us” page is probably the favorite lead capture pages on the organization website. So not receiving one already puts you inside a disadvantage and lets users know you are not interesting in offering these with information they might require.

Not receiving an “About Us” page already puts you inside a disadvantage and lets users know you are not interesting in offering these with information they might require.

Furthermore, it causes concern and worry – in case your consumer can’t find your business information, how do they know you’re a legit website?

77 percent of advertising agencies uncover that poor UX design could be the finest weakness for brands. Rather than including vital lead capture pages or making users use the information they are trying to find may come under this umbrella of web site design DON’Ts.

If your “About Us” page is hidden in drop-lower lists or menus – or it doesn’t exist whatsoever – it’s here i am in a squeeze page refresh.

2. Am i boasting or saying a lot of?

Take into account that you need to consider when analyzing your website and analyzing your “About Us” page could be the content itself.

Simply what does it appear like? What’s a bad tone? Can it be while using other material inside your website? Clearly, along with your “About Us” page you can your personality. You’ll be able to discuss your past, present and future. It’s an account, within the finish, and storytelling needs to be fun.

You have to give a nutritious balance of informative information, and interesting details.

But be suspicious of boasting. You should not give a running report on your accolades and accomplishments. You should not boast about everywhere you’ve been and everything you’ve done. You have to give a nutritious balance of informative information, and interesting details.

You have to discuss a history of the organization which is founders. You have to discuss projects and clients. But it’s also advisable to outline your objectives and initiatives in the factual way.

3. What’s the quantity of text and visuals?

All of us love an excellent video, photo or site design. And people have a similar whatever the kind of squeeze page they are searching at – meaning the quantity of text and visual quite happy with an “About Us” page is important.

You have to be fun and artistic. You have to be out-of-the-box and various. Video is a powerful way to do that. And they’re effective and compelling images photos. Your “About Us” page is a powerful way to showcase the personality and flare from the organization, so embracing visuals can be a easily approach to grab attention and acquire users engaged. If you don’t, you risk searching boring and missing creativeness.

Embracing visuals can be a easily approach to grab attention and acquire users engaged.

But however, relying to heavily on visuals might be a mistake. People do visit your “About Us” page for valuable information, within the finish, and videos aren’t always most likely probably the most comprehensive medium for displaying history, goals and accomplishments.

It’s unlikely you’d be capable of cram all the necessary info in to a two minute-extended video. So when it was significantly longer, people wouldn’t even bother watching it. Therefore it is vital you receive a nutritious balance. Fundrise strikes the best balance having its usage of well-spaced charts and graphs filed having its statistics and benefits.

4. Does it drive users along with other pages online through links and CTAs?

Conversion are crucial for marketers, so it’s imperative that you’re taking every chance to operate a vehicle leads making these transactions and engagements when you are able. Your “About Us” page is quite valuable.

Make sure to be offering users by getting a method to enable them to engage.

Make sure to be offering users by getting a method to enable them to engage. Meaning opt-in lists are key. After they achieve your “About Us” page keep these things join newsletters, e-mail lists and social media accounts. Using this method there is a database of understanding to be able to achieve out and interact later.

The higher people you’ll be able to talk to organically, the bigger achieve you will have as well as the more leads you’ll generate.

Similarly, you have to drive people on your website. You don’t desire them to land here by departing. To accomplish this, you need to connect with other lead capture pages and will include CTAs that offer people options. “Sign Up Now” “Follow Us Here” Learn More” – many of these are wonderful CTAs that will drive engagement.

Interlinking is great – any marketer will show you that. And you will get it done everywhere – not just to blogs. Because if you undertake, you will notice figures skyrocket.

5. Is our “About Us” page great searching?

Let’s circle to create and search. Does your “About Us” page fit the part? Can it be balanced? Could be the text and imagery per a comprehensive and fascinating way? Can it be fun and easy to understand? Take Wild Renfrew for instance. They couple engaging images with striking white-colored-colored space and well-spaced text to create an About Us page that’s easy to digest And straightforward about the eyes.

38 percent of people will immediately stop interacting and fascinating along with your website which is content whether or not this isn’t visually appealing.

38 percent of people will immediately stop interacting and fascinating along with your website which is content whether or not this isn’t visually appealing. Which means your articles must see the part, and fit the part. It has to load quickly, grab attention easily and supply users the information they require in as aesthetically-pleasing of how as you can.

In situation your “About Us” page doesn’t look wonderful, regardless of how valuable the details are.


So you have been with these questions, made the needed checks and Xs, now you must do something about this. It is easy you’ve now learned what’s wrong! An excellent “About Us” page is concise, pithy and informative. It offers valuable information regarding a company, its history, its products which is goals. It isn’t too extended and boastful, however it arrives with personality. Plus it certainly looks visually engaging.

  • To offer you a quick snapshot, your “About” page needs these items:
  • To begin with, it has to exist. And it should be no problem finding.
  • It has to walk that little difference between informative and boastful without getting to become too extended and exhausting.
  • It has to add a health balance of text and visuals, as well as the design itself must grab attention.
  • It has to include links and opt-in forms to operate a vehicle users to activate and bear on their own journey on your website.
  • Also it must encapsulate the feeling of the trademark itself.

You’re only a few edits from your “About Us” page that drives conversions. Exactly what are you waiting for? Have additional questions? Leave us a remark!

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